On May 28th, SCORA CIMSA UPH in collaboration with WHO Indonesia held an event “MADRE”, Medical Update on Maternal Health Care at FK UPH. This event socialize pocketbooks about maternal health services to the medical student, which describes the management of pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum, either normal or with complications or other medical conditions. The event was opened by speeches from LOCO CIMSA UPH, Kelly Tjhai and continued by keynote lecture delivered by dr. Christofani Ekapatria,Sp.OG and dissemination of books delivered by dr.Arietta Pusponegoro, Sp.OG (K). There was case solving session that will be solved by the participants and there are questions that can guide participants to solve it. Furthermore, the event continued with a plenary presented by dr.Daniel Richard Kambey,MMed FAMEE, as the end of the event to summarize all that has been socialized. Participants seemed to be happy and enjoy in participating this event. CIMSA Empowering Medical Students Improving Nation's Health