Public Health
“The Standing Committee on Public Health works towards ensuring a healthy global society that is empowered through its knowledge, skills and opportunities to live a life of complete physical, mental and social well-being.”
In order to work towards our vision, we promote community based outreach activities at a local level, which are inspired by the best practice within our federation and through the development of our own skills and potentials, as medical students and future health professionals; we voice our actions together through the powers of advocacy. Our core purposes and values include Disease prevention within our society, Health promotion and education within our society, Raising awareness about Global Public Health issues within medical students and our society, Advocating for health policies as the voice of worldwide medical students, Developing skills and knowledge of medical students as the future health professionals, Working as an international team and collaborating with external public health organisations to use the potential of over one million worldwide medical students.
The Scope of SCOPH
a. Health Promotion
b. Social & Environmental Determinants of Health (SDH
c. Universal Health Coverage
d. Health in All Policies (HiAP)
e. Global Health, International Health and Public Health
• Obesity and diabetes
• Tuberculosis
• Malaria
• The health of children and adolescents
• Mental health
• And also: cancer, alcohol abuse, eye health, blood donation, organ donor, aging, health on the trip, the remote health, environmental health, and SCOPH exchange
Each standing committee in CIMSA was created in purpose of achieving the vision and mission of CIMSA itself, which is to empower medical students and improve nation's health. One of them is SCOPH, Standing Committee On Public Health. SCOPH was established in 1952 by medical students of International Federation of Medical Student Associations (IFMSA). Its main purpose is to improve society's vigilance and knowledge of public health, and improve medical students' awareness about public health related issues. For this reason, member of SCOPH should develop skills and knowledge such as organisation skills, teamwork, leadership, communication skill, time and self management. These are significant skills for medical workers although it is not taught formally in schools.
Through events held by SCOPH, its members will improve their skills and broaden their knowledge related to public health. Moreover, being a member of SCOPH will let medical students get involved in empowering medical students and improving nations health, also directly get involved in worldwide good health with previously trained skills in hand. Orange hugs, SCOPHeroes! :)